5 Best Ways to Take CBD For Its Natural Benefits image

5 Best Ways to Take CBD For Its Natural Benefits

Cannabidiol  aka CBD is a natural compound derived from the hemp plant. CBD is not a mind-altering substance and it cannot get you high. Since the legalization of hemp-derived products in the US and neighboring countries, CBD is used as a natural remedy. Millions of people use CBD-infused products to treat many different health conditions and ailments.

When it comes to the consumption of CBD, people seem to be confused with all the choices out there and kept looking for answers. And if you’re here for the same reason then stick with us till the end as we discuss our picks for the best ways to take CBD.

1.  CBD Oils – Orally via CBD Oil Drops, Beverages, CBD Edibles, and More

CBD comes in all sizes and shapes but for beginners, it’s best to start-off with CBD-infused edibles or beverages. Anyone can ingest CBD edibles and get all their benefits. CBD oil is one of the most used oral-product and this CBD-rich oil can be used for the treatment of many ailments. For starters, CBD oil is an excellent remedy to treat chronic pain inside the body.

People who often suffer from arthritis can get significant benefits with the use of CBD oil (Sublingual). Furthermore, CBD-infused jellies and chocolates can also be consumed directly to get their natural benefits.

Selecting the dosage is essential and since each product contains a specific amount of CBD, it’s easier to adjust the concentration and if you know what works best then you won’t have to worry about overdoing it.

Consuming edibles and beverages is one of the best ways to get your daily dose of CBD. For people suffering from conditions like anxiety, nausea and, insomnia, using oral products will work like a charm.

2.  CBD Topicals - Directly On Muscles Via Creams, Rubs, Balms, Gels, Salves

For people suffering from muscle pain, ache, and other painful conditions, using CBD-infused topicals will offer relief from all kinds of pain. Using CBD topicals is quite easy and all you will have to do is apply the topical to the affected area and the pain will wear off in a few minutes.

CBD is known to have anti-inflammatory properties. And when you apply a CBD-infused cream to an affected area, the substance interacts with the Endocannabinoid system of the body. It works in a way that reduces inflammation across the affected area and offers a relaxing experience.

Generally, muscle creams and balms are some of the best ways to consume CBD and get prolonged pain relief. Furthermore, compared to oral products, topicals take less time to activate and offer relief in 10-15 minutes.

If you’re looking for an effective CBD topical for post-workout or after a tiring task then our RECOVER Muscle Rub is worth learning more about.

3. CBD Capsules - Orally Via SoftGels, Tablets, Pills

And while we’re talking about the best ways to take CBD, it would be wise to say that consuming CBD capsules is another effective method that you must consider. Free from any artificial ingredient, CBD capsules are purely made out of Cannabidiol Oil and offer the same effect as any other CBD-infused product on the market.

The best perk of consuming CBD capsules is that the users will be able to control the amount of CBD going into the body. If 25mg is working for you then a single capsule containing that exact amount of CBD will be more than enough for your body. In other words, it’s easier to maintain your dose of CBD with these capsules.

Taking CBD Capsules is like taking any other capsule or a pill. All you’ll have to do is to put it on your tongue and slide it into your throat with a sip of water. After taking a CBD capsule, you will feel its effects after a few hours.

4. CBD Sprays - Orally Via Spray Nozzle

Cannabidiol also comes in compressed forms that can be used to treat a long-range of symptoms. There are two different forms of CBD sprays that are easily accessible in the market. The first type of CBD sprays features topical properties and can be applied directly to the affected area.

When a topical CBD spray is applied to an inflamed area, the particles of Cannabidiol diffuse into the skin and start to reduce the inflammation around the affected area. The effects of CBD spray can be felt within 10-15 mins and the effect can last for 7 to 8 hours.

Secondly, CBD nasal spray is also available on the market and can be used to get your daily dose of Cannabidiol. Using CBD nasal spray is a bit complicated as it requires the user to put the nozzle inside one of the nostrils and push down on it to release the solution. A few types of nasal CBD sprays are also quite effective in instantly treating chronic pain and anxiety.

5. Transdermal Patches - Applied Topically Directly to Affected Muscle Areas

CBD Transdermal Patches can be applied to the skin in order to gain the benefits of CBD. Similar to nicotine patches, CBD-infused patches can be applied to the skin and a specific dose of CBD will be delivered to the body.

Compared to oral products, CBD patches are more efficient and their effects can be felt right away. On the contrary, the oral products have to go through the metabolism system inside the body and takes a while to activate.

People that suffer from chronic pain can directly apply the CBD transdermal patch to the affected area and get instant relief with the help of these patches. If you’re not in awe of consuming CBD orally then you could try CBD patches to treat your symptoms.


How to Take CBD Oil - Ways And Facts

There’s a lot of different methods that can be used to consume CBD Oil but generally, here are a few conventional ways that are most effective.

Directly (Sublingual)

CBD Oil can be consumed by putting a few drops under the tongue. The CBD oil will start to dissolve and interacts with the bloodstream.


CBD Capsules are also made of CBD oil and can be ingested. If you’re not in awe of putting CBD oil under your tongue then using these capsules is the next best thing.


CBD Oil can be added to hot beverages and it is one of the easiest methods of getting your daily dose of CBD oil.

How Long Does CBD Oil Take to Be Effective?

There is no ‘official serving size or standard dose’ and it varies from person to person. Your ideal dosage will be based on a variety of factors including your weight, metabolism, the type of product you’re using (tincture, softgel, topical), and body type. For the best potential for success, we recommend some experimentation and consistent usage to determine the right dosage for you. It can take 2-3 weeks to determine the proper dosage, but once you witness CBD’s effects on your body you'll be in a better position to decide how much to take and when to take it, so be patient and take your time. To understand more about dosage tips and guidelines, click here

The duration of the effect of CBD oil is the not same for every person but, generally, it is estimated that the effects of CBD products should last 7 to 9 hours of use.

How long does it take for CBD to work?

Some CBD products like Tinctures, SoftGels and Sprays can take 20-60 minutes before they’re absorbed into the bloodstream and for you to start feeling the benefits. 

CBD topicals can work as quickly as 15 minutes before the effects of CBD can be experienced. 


There are many conventional and non-conventional ways of consuming CBD for health benefits. But, it’s all up to you which of the 5 best ways to take CBD works best for you and your lifestyle.

At Champions + Legends we use full-spectrum CBD in all of our products because we believe quality inputs offer our customers the best potential results.

To ensure the high quality standards demanded by elite athletes, our full range of custom formulated CBD is tested six times throughout the manufacturing process. We make sure it works, so you can work harder.